"You are becoming unbecoming" was the phrase that was meant to straighten you if your teacher or parents thought you were straying from the straight and narrow. If you never had this used on you while growing up, you must have been a really good kid. I heard it so many times while growing up. Anytime I heard it, it was time to do some self-introspection to see what my elders were saying was true. In most cases, later became apparent that my elders were right. "You are becoming unbecoming" is or was popular with everyone. I don't know if the phrase is still as popular but in my days, lol, it transcended class. The charcoal seller screamed it, the teacher bellowed it and the civil servant used it to chide their children. How it became so popular, I don’t know. Maybe someday, I will trace it origins, Now that I am old (somewhat). I miss hearing it. I can’t wait to bellow it out at my children. Lol. “HERH, KOMLA YOU ARE BECOMING UNBECOMING” Is...