Marketing 101 : Sell the Female Body

Football is generally considered the terrain of men as opposed to women. I hate to make this sweeping gendered statement but it is the fact and essential to what I intend to say. So why did Citi FM; the acclaimed “wokest” of all the radio stations in Ghana have a picture of a woman with evidently long legs taking center stage in this advertisement of a premier league match? Why not a man or none at all? Or a picture of the act of football being played? Are the crest of these teams not enough to advertise the game? It is in these sma ll often not thought about ways that the body of a woman continues to be sexualized and objectified. The far reaching effects of such images are not really appreciated but the constant bombardment of such images to sell food, cars, sports and anything you can actually think of only reinforces the thin and slender ideal of what a woman is supposed to look like. The service industry is probably the most complicit in this; usually using femininity t...