Halloo Da!
It's been 2 years since you passed on to eternity. I know usually people say the year has come by so fast but for me, it seems like an eternity.
Since I last wrote to you, so much has happened.
I finished my MPhil in Sociology and then I got married. Yes! Just like you emphasized all the time. Ok. I am not totally done with the MPhil because my thesis has not returned yet from meeting with the examiners. I hope my examiners are reasonable because I did put in some good work.
Yes. Back to the getting married part. I know right. The last time I wrote to you, exactly a year ago, I told you I had met Kojo who happens to share the same day name with you. Only yours is Kwadzo. Fast forward to July 16th and Kojo gave me the honour to be his wife.

It was unbelievable. When I wrote to you last year I did not have an inkling of what was to come. I missed you a lot the week to the wedding and at odd times when I was alone, I would cry as mummy kept mentioning you all the time. It was a very difficult time for her. I am sure in her scheme of things. It was going to be you and her in all of this but God had other plans.

I know how much you looked forward to the day you were going to give your "first lady" away. I was not sad you were not here to share it with me. Your elder brother did fine.

I was happy that you would be proud of me and all of us wherever you are. Everyone said I looked so pretty. I almost did not recognize myself Da.

When I shed tears at the wedding, most people thought it was in remembrance of you but actually, I was just overwhelmed. Kojo was so serious saying the vows and he was practically looking into my soul with those sexy eyes of his. You know how emotional I can be. I had to share a tear or two.

Ok. Enough about me. Your doctor has just a year to go. His Landrover is so old. I mean the car is older than him so I mean you can imagine. Without you to do his regular maintenance, I am afraid the car has seen some bad days. I sometimes feel sorry for him. Lol. He would buy one soon with his own money. He always says I am a sniper so I must as well tell you that I suspect he has a girlfriend but he keeps denying it. Anyway, that is not my cup of tea.
Daniel has been super amazing. The efforts he went to during my wedding still blows my mind. He filled in your shoes and made sure I had everything as you would have wanted. You trained him well. Dada.
Now I have to go and attend to wifely duties.
If your cantankerous family members had listened to us. I would be visiting with you today but that is not a big deal. I know you're with me in spirit.
Keep watching us from above.
Till we meet again in eternity wait for my next letter.
Love always!
Your first lady,
Now Emelia Afi Bota Pobee.
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